Tuja odprtokodna scena
Apple Touch Bar Backlight & Keyboard Mode Drivers Slated For Linux 6.15
[$] Maintainer opinions on Rust-for-Linux
Miguel Ojeda gave a keynote at FOSDEM 2025 about the history of the Rust-for-Linux project, and the current attitude of people in the kernel community toward the experiment. Unlike his usual talks, this talk didn't focus so much on the current state of the project, but rather on discussing history and predictions for the future. He ended up presenting quotes from more than 30 people involved in kernel development about what they thought of the project and expected going forward.
Arti 1.4.0 released
Version 1.4.0 of Arti, the Tor Project's next-generation Tor client written in Rust, has been released. Notable improvements in this release include a new RPC interface, and preparatory work toward service-side onion service denial-of-service resistance. The release is dedicated to the memory of Jérémy Bobbio, better known by many as "Lunar". For full details on the release, see the changelog.
GIMP 3.0 RC3 Released For A Final Round Of Testing
A Rust-for-Linux policy document
There has been a fair amount of confusion about what the kernel policies around Rust are, who maintains what and so on. This document tries to clarify some of these points with what, to the best of our knowledge, is the current status.
Security updates for Monday
Python 3.14 Lands A New Interpreter With 3~30% Faster Python Code
Union Hopes To Address KDE's Fragmented Ways Of Styling Apps
Formerly Known As YQPkg, Myrlyn Package Manager GUI Adds Repository Configuration
Games: MAME Update and a GNU/Linux Ban
Open Hardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi, Laptops, and More
GNU/Linux Distributions and Operating Systems: OSMC Deprecating Vero 4K and 4K+ and GNU/Linux Distros Optimised for Handheld Devices
Applications: Qalculate, k0rdent, 8 Types of Linux Terminal Programs
New Proposal To Raise The Linux Kernel's Default Timer Frequency To 1000Hz
RADV Vulkan Video Adds Low Latency Encoding Support
Microsoft Continues Enhancing Its Azure Linux 3.0 Distribution With February Update