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FreeBSD 13.5 Beta Begins Preparing For The Last Of The FreeBSD 13 Series

Phoronix - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 12:06
The FreeBSD 13.5 release dance has begun for closing out the FreeBSD 13 series...

Android Leftovers

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 10:12
Samsung Galaxy S25 review: The last compact Android flagship

Calibre 7.25 Adds Support for Importing KFX Files from 2024 Kindle Devices via MTP

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 10:03
The weekly Calibre updates continue with Calibre 7.25, released today by developer Kovid Goyal as the latest stable version of this powerful, cross-platform, free, and open-source suite of e-book software.

Thunderbird Moves to Monthly Updates from March 2025

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 10:01
The Thunderbird email client is making its monthly ‘release channel’ builds the default download starting in March

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Support is Coming To An End

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 09:49
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is nearing the end of its original five-year support cycle

OpenWrt 24.10 Brings Kernel 6.6 and Initial WiFi 7 Support

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 09:45
OpenWrt 24.10 open-source router firmware debuts with initial WiFi7 support

Free and Open Source Software

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 09:37
This is free and open source software

Snal Linux – Arch based live distribution

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 09:31
Snal Linux is an Arch-based distro intended to be used as a live image from portable media

This Week in Plasma: Final Plasma 6.3 Polishing

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 09:27
Welcome to a new issue of "This Week in Plasma"

This Week in GNOME: #186 Media Parsing

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 09:24
Update on what happened across the GNOME project in the week from January 31 to February 07

Slimbook Titan report 5 - The mojo has returned ...

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 09:08
I will address all sorts of different aspects of everyday usage, including gaming, which is one of the major blockers for leaving Windows and its silliness behind

V ZDA močno posegli v financiranje tekočih znanstvenoraziskovalnih projektov

Slo-Tech - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 07:52
V ZDA močno posegli v financiranje tekočih znanstvenoraziskovalnih projektov Slo-Tech - V ZDA je eden največjih financerjev znanosti na področju ved o življenju NIH (National Institutes of Health) sporočil, da bo v vseh tekočih in prihodnjih projektih enostransko znižal sredstva za posredne stroške. Ta se bodo več kot razpolovila in bodo po novem znašala 15 odstotkov vrednosti projektov. To utegne v velike težave pahniti univerze, ki projekte izvajajo. Več na Slo-Techu.

ARM ne bo več preganjal Qualcomma

Slo-Tech - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 07:52
ARM ne bo več preganjal Qualcomma Slo-Tech - ARM se je odločil zakopati bojno sekiro s Qualcommom, potem ko mu je lani preklical licenco za dizajn lastnih čipov na arhitekturi ARM. Ker se Qualcomm s tem ni strinjal, ga je ARM tudi tožil, kjer je večinoma izgubil, v nekaterih točkah pa porota ni sprejela odločitve. Sedaj se je ARM odločil, da bo Qualcommu pustil veljavno licenco. Več na Slo-Techu.

Lani upadla plačila odkupnin zaradi izsiljevalskih virusov

Slo-Tech - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 07:52
Lani upadla plačila odkupnin zaradi izsiljevalskih virusov Slo-Tech - Sodeč po poročilu podjetja Chainalysis, je bilo lani plačil odkupnin zaradi napadov z izsiljevalskimi virusi manj kot v letu pred tem. Izgubljenih je bilo 812 milijonov dolarjev, kar je za tretjino manj kot leto pred tem. Več na Slo-Techu.

The year of the Linux desktop has arrived

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 06:43
OS-level AI integration is not the future of personal computing, or at least, it’s not in my future.

Security Leftovers

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 06:30
Security news

Programming Leftovers

tuxmachines.org - Sob, 02/08/2025 - 06:28
Development news
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