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Shows and Videos About GNU/Linux and Free Software

tuxmachines.org - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 21:42
From Invidious in recent days

Firefox ForkServer Getting Ready To Enhance Linux Browser Performance

Phoronix - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 21:11
Firefox has been shipping their nightly Linux builds the past three months with ForkServer enabled to improve the multi-process browser experience. The results are looking good and Firefox official releases for Linux should soon begin shipping with ForkServer too for this performance win...

Intel's Newest Open-Source Project Is "Polite Guard"

Phoronix - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 18:40
Intel's newest open-source project and addition to their AI offerings is... Polite Guard...

Apple Touch Bar Backlight & Keyboard Mode Drivers Slated For Linux 6.15

Phoronix - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 18:18
For those making use of the Intel-powered Apple MacBook Pro laptops featuring the Touch Bar, better support for that interface is slated to land with the upcoming Linux 6.15 kernel cycle...

[$] Maintainer opinions on Rust-for-Linux

LWN.net - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 18:10

Miguel Ojeda gave a keynote at FOSDEM 2025 about the history of the Rust-for-Linux project, and the current attitude of people in the kernel community toward the experiment. Unlike his usual talks, this talk didn't focus so much on the current state of the project, but rather on discussing history and predictions for the future. He ended up presenting quotes from more than 30 people involved in kernel development about what they thought of the project and expected going forward.

Kako prepričati procesorje AMD Zen, da je 4 naključno število

Slo-Tech - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 17:12
Kako prepričati procesorje AMD Zen, da je 4 naključno število Slo-Tech - Raziskovalci iz Google Security Teama so odkrili resno ranljivost v AMD-jevih procesorjih Zen 1 do 4. Za njeno izrabo potrebujemo lokalni dostop in administratorske privilegije (torej ring 0), nato pa lahko na procesor naložimo zlonamerno mikrokodo. Ranljivosti ni možno izkoristiti iz navideznega stroja. Z njo je možno procesor ukaniti, da počne neželene ali nevarne reči. Razlog je uporaba neustrezne zgoščevalne funkcije za preverjanje avtentičnosti oziroma podpisa mikrokode. Več na Slo-Techu.

Microsoft obupal, določene verzije Windows 11 24H2 nepopravljive

Slo-Tech - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 17:11
Microsoft obupal, določene verzije Windows 11 24H2 nepopravljive Slo-Tech - Dejanska težava je sicer manj katastrofalna, kot bi sklepali zgolj iz naslova, a vseeno sila neprijetna. Kdor je namestil Windows 11 24H2 z medija (USB ali DVD), ki je imel integrirane ("zapečene") popravke do lanskega oktobra ali novembra, ne more več nameščati popravkov. Microsoft je napako potrdil in ugotovil, da nima rešitve. Edini obliž je povoziti namestitev z novejšo verzijo. Več na Slo-Techu.

Arti 1.4.0 released

LWN.net - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 17:05

Version 1.4.0 of Arti, the Tor Project's next-generation Tor client written in Rust, has been released. Notable improvements in this release include a new RPC interface, and preparatory work toward service-side onion service denial-of-service resistance. The release is dedicated to the memory of Jérémy Bobbio, better known by many as "Lunar". For full details on the release, see the changelog.

GIMP 3.0 RC3 Released For A Final Round Of Testing

Phoronix - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 16:51
GIMP 3.0 RC3 is out today as what is hopefully the last release candidate before the long-awaited stable release of GIMP 3.0 as this long in development free software alternative to the likes of Adobe Photoshop...

A Rust-for-Linux policy document

LWN.net - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 16:47
Miguel Ojeda has announced the posting of a new document describing policies around the use of Rust in the Linux kernel.

There has been a fair amount of confusion about what the kernel policies around Rust are, who maintains what and so on. This document tries to clarify some of these points with what, to the best of our knowledge, is the current status.

Security updates for Monday

LWN.net - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 16:02
Security updates have been issued by AlmaLinux (buildah, bzip2, galera and mariadb, keepalived, kernel, kernel-rt, mariadb:10.11, mingw-glib2, and podman), Debian (ark, firefox-esr, kernel, sssd, and thunderbird), Fedora (abseil-cpp, clevis-pin-tpm2, dbus-parsec, envision, fido-device-onboard, firefox, golang-github-nvidia-container-toolkit, gotify-desktop, jpegxl, keylime-agent-rust, keyring-ima-signer, libkrun, php-phpseclib, python-cryptography, python3-docs, python3.12, python3.13, rust-afterburn, rust-cargo-vendor-filterer, rust-coreos-installer, rust-crypto-auditing-agent, rust-eif_build, rust-gst-plugin-reqwest, rust-nu, rust-oo7-cli, rust-openssl, rust-openssl-sys, rust-pore, rust-routinator, rust-rpm-sequoia, rust-sequoia-keyring-linter, rust-sequoia-octopus-librnp, rust-sequoia-policy-config, rust-sequoia-sop, rust-sequoia-sq, rust-sequoia-sqv, rust-sevctl, rust-snphost, rust-tealdeer, rustup, s390utils, stalld, and vaultwarden), Mageia (java-1.8.0-openjdk, java-11-openjdk, java-17-openjdk & java-latest-openjdk, libtasn1, mariadb, nodejs, qtbase5 & qtbase6, rootcerts, nss & firefox, thunderbird, and xrdp), Red Hat (buildah, doxygen, podman, and thunderbird), Slackware (gnutls and openssl), SUSE (bind, chromedriver, crypto-policies, krb5, firefox, flannel, go1.22, go1.23, go1.23-1.23.6-1.1, go1.24-1.24rc3-1.1, openssl-1_1, openssl-3, python311-cryptography-vectors, python311-numba, python39, rsync, tomcat, and trivy), and Ubuntu (openrefine and rsync).

Python 3.14 Lands A New Interpreter With 3~30% Faster Python Code

Phoronix - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 15:02
Merged last week for Python 3.14 is a new tail-call intepreter that aims to offer significantly better performance with around 10% faster performance in PyPerformance or around a 40% speed-up in Python-heavy benchmarks. This tail-call interpeter can even outperform the current Python JIT compiler but for maximum performance benefits Python should be built with Profile Guided Optimizations (PGO)...

Union Hopes To Address KDE's Fragmented Ways Of Styling Apps

Phoronix - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 14:51
KDE/Qt apps can be styled many different ways with Qt widgets, SVG-based styling, Qt Quick, and other routes for styling of applications. That fragmentation of different ways to styling KDE apps can probe problematic for UI designs and lead to a less cohesive user experience. KDE developer Arjen Hiemstra is hoping to change that with the Union project...

Formerly Known As YQPkg, Myrlyn Package Manager GUI Adds Repository Configuration

Phoronix - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 14:28
You may recall the YQPkg package management tool announced last year that's been talked up by openSUSE developers as a Qt-based package manager GUI and alternative to YaST. It's now known as Myrlyn and has added repository configuration as its newest feature...

today's leftovers

tuxmachines.org - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 14:28
GNU/Linux and more

Games: MAME Update and a GNU/Linux Ban

tuxmachines.org - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 14:25
a pair of picks about games

Programming Leftovers

tuxmachines.org - Pon, 02/10/2025 - 14:21
Development related news
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