Applications: Qalculate, k0rdent, 8 Types of Linux Terminal Programs
Applications in a nutshell
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
New Proposal To Raise The Linux Kernel's Default Timer Frequency To 1000Hz
A patch sent out on Sunday by Google engineer Qais Yousef is proposing to raise the Linux kernel's default timer frequency from 250Hz to 1000Hz...
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
RADV Vulkan Video Adds Low Latency Encoding Support
Adding to the Vulkan Video support for Mesa's Radeon "RADV" Vulkan driver is honoring of the low latency encoding options...
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
Microsoft Continues Enhancing Its Azure Linux 3.0 Distribution With February Update
Microsoft engineers released Azure Linux 3.0.20250206 overnight as the newest monthly update to this in-house Microsoft Linux distribution that is used within their Azure cloud infrastructure and a variety of other purposes at the Redmond company...
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
Events/Education: Emacs Meetup, FOSDEM, and PGConf
event coverage
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
OnlyOffice Desktop Editor 8.3 Added Apple iWorks, PDF Stamps Support
OnlyOffice announced the new 8.3 release for its offline Desktop Editor apps yesterday
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
Free and Open Source Software
It has some very interesting features unique to Linux/Unix players
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
Slint – blind-friendly Linux distribution
Slint is an easy-to-use, versatile, blind-friendly Linux distribution for 64-bit computers
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
Review: Serpent OS 0.24.6 and Aurora
A few weeks ago a colleague messaged me and asked about my opinion on Serpent OS
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
Evropsko električno omrežje dobilo tri nove članice
Evropsko električno omrežje dobilo tri nove članice
Slo-Tech - Evropsko celinsko električno omrežje (CESA) je včeraj vključilo tri baltske države. Estonija, Latvija in Litva so se ob 15.05 uspešno sinhronizirale z omrežjem, s čimer so pretrgale vezi z ruskim omrežjem. Prekinili so vse povezave (interconnect) z Rusijo in Belorusijo. Več na Slo-Techu.
Latest in Linux Gizmos: Raspberry Pi CM4 Carrier, CM5, BeagleBoard, ESP32-H2 Thread/Zigbee Gateway Module
Open Hardware/Modding leftovers
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
Games: MakuluLinux GameR, Steam Deck, and More
gaming-related news
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: February 9th, 2025
The 226th installment of the 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup is here for the week ending on February 9th, 2025.
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
Free Software Awards: Choose your nominations by March 5
The time has come for free software community members to nominate individuals and projects for a Free Software Award
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena
Kernel prepatch 6.14-rc2
The second 6.14 kernel prepatch is out for
It's Sunday afternoon, and I'm releasing the usual regularly scheduled release candidate while the rest of the US is getting ready for the biggest day in TV commercials interrupted by some kind of lawn bowling tournament.
Kategorije: Tuja odprtokodna scena