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Alpine 3.21.1 released

tuxmachines.org - Tor, 01/14/2025 - 06:51
a maintenance release of the 3.21 series

Today in Techrights

tuxmachines.org - Tor, 01/14/2025 - 05:32
Some of the latest articles

OpenZFS 2.3 Released With RAIDZ Expansion, Fast Dedup, Direct I/O & Other Great Improvements

Phoronix - Tor, 01/14/2025 - 02:42
OpenZFS 2.3 is out as stable this evening as the latest major feature release to this open-source ZFS file-system implementation used on Linux and FreeBSD systems. OpenZFS 2.3 is heavy on new features...

Fedora 42 Cleared To Ship WSL Images For Easy Windows Subsystem For Linux Use

Phoronix - Tor, 01/14/2025 - 02:25
The Fedora Engineering and Steering Committee (FESCo) has granted approval of the change proposal for shipping Fedora Linux WSL images to enhance the user experience for those wanting to run this Linux distribution within the confines of Microsoft's Windows 11 WSL2 environment...

Linus Torvalds Offers to Build Guitar Effects Pedal For Kernel Developer

Slashdot Linux - Tor, 01/14/2025 - 00:20
Linux creator Linus Torvalds announced a playful giveaway for kernel contributors: he'll hand-build a guitar effects pedal for one lucky developer selected at random, using his holiday hobby skills with pedal kits. To qualify, developers must have a 2024 commit in Torvalds' kernel git tree and email him with the subject "I WANT A GUITAR PEDAL". He'll pick a winner at random, use his own money to buy a pedal kit from a company called Aion FX, and then 'build it with my own shaky little fingers, and send it to the victim by US postal services.'" The Register reports: The odd offer appeared in his weekly state-of-the-kernel post, which on Sunday US time informed the Linux world that release candidate (rc) seven for version 6.13 of the Linux kernel "is slightly bigger than normal, but considering the timing, it's pretty much where I would have expected, and nothing really stands out." Torvalds therefore expects version 6.13 to debut next week, meaning it will arrive after his preferred seven release candidates and without delays caused by the usual holiday-period slowdown. Torvalds then added a postscript in which he revealed that he often uses the holiday season to build LEGO, which he frequently receives for Christmas and his late December birthday. He kept up that tradition last year, but "also ended up doing a number of guitar pedal kit builds" which he described as "LEGO for grown-ups with a soldering iron." [...] Torvalds doesn't play guitar, but did the builds "because I enjoy the tinkering, and the guitar pedals actually do something and are the right kind of "not very complex, but not some 5-minute 555 LED blinking thing.'" He enjoyed the experience and wants to build more pedals, so has decided to give one away to a random kernel developer -- both as an act of generosity and to "check to see if anybody actually ever reads these weekly rc announcements of mine." Torvalds rated his past pedal-building efforts a "good success so far" but warned entrants "I'm a software person with a soldering iron." "I will test the result to the best of my abilities, and the end result may actually work ... but you should set your expectations along the lines of "quality kit built by a SW person who doesn't know one end of a guitar from the other.'"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Programming Leftovers

tuxmachines.org - Pon, 01/13/2025 - 21:15
Development picks

today's howtos

tuxmachines.org - Pon, 01/13/2025 - 21:13
Instructionals/Technical posts

Intel Battlemage Showing Off Nice OpenCL Gains With Newest Open-Source Compute Stack

Phoronix - Pon, 01/13/2025 - 20:52
Last month with the launch of Intel Battlemage with the Arc B580 graphics card, there was fairly nice open-source GPU compute performance but with some outliers... Today it's a pleasure to report that with the newest open-source GPU compute stack as of this past week, there are some nice Xe2 / Battlemage improvements for enhancing the performance of some OpenCL workloads and also correcting the performance of some workloads that were in poor standing on launch day.

openSUSE Tumbleweed Now Offers Wayland Support for the LXQt Desktop

tuxmachines.org - Pon, 01/13/2025 - 20:48
The openSUSE Project announced today that their openSUSE Tumbleweed rolling release distro now comes with Wayland support for those who want to install and use the latest LXQt desktop environment.

Chimera Linux works toward a simplified desktop

LWN.net - Pon, 01/13/2025 - 20:41

Chimera Linux is a new distribution designed to be "simple, transparent, and easy to pick up". The distribution is built from scratch, and recently announced its first beta release. While the documentation and installation process are both a bit rough, the project already provides a usable desktop with plenty of useful software — one built primarily on tools adopted from BSD.

ZDA želijo omejiti izvoz in prodajo čipov za umetno inteligenco po svetu

Slo-Tech - Pon, 01/13/2025 - 20:13
ZDA želijo omejiti izvoz in prodajo čipov za umetno inteligenco po svetu Slo-Tech - ZDA so sprejele nova pravila o izvozu in prodaji čipov umetne inteligence, ki svet delijo v tri skupine držav in predpisujejo sorazmerno stroge kvote. Bela hiša je določila 18 držav, kamor za izvoz ne bo omejitev, približno 120 držav s kvotami in prepoved prodaje na Kitajsko, v Severno Korejo, Rusijo in Iran. Slovenija je v drugi skupini držav. Nove omejitve bodo začele veljati čez štiri mesece, dotlej pa veljajo obstoječe kvote. Več na Slo-Techu.

Fantomska delovna mesta čedalje pogostejša

Slo-Tech - Pon, 01/13/2025 - 19:50
Fantomska delovna mesta čedalje pogostejša Slo-Tech - Zlasti v tujini ugotavljajo, da je čedalje več oglasov za prosta delovna mesta v resnici navideznih. Raziskava, ki so jo opravili v podjetju Greenhouse, je pokazala, da je bilo lani fantomskih oglasov približno petina. Gre za delovna mesta na več področjih, od tehnoloških podjetij do finančnih družb. Oglasi za fantomska delovna mesta v resnici ne iščejo kandidatov, kar vnaša zmedo na trg dela. V mesecu decembru se je sicer v ZDA odprlo 256.000 novih delovnih mest, a iskalci zaposlitve tarnajo, da razmere niso rožnate. Več na Slo-Techu.

Oracle OLED Wants To Help Improve The Debugability Of The Linux Kernel

Phoronix - Pon, 01/13/2025 - 19:25
Oracle today announced the Oracle Linux Enhanced Diagnostics (OLED) as their newest project that aims to enhance the debugability of the Linux kernel...

Tiling Shell’s Newest Feature Speeds Up Window Snapping

tuxmachines.org - Pon, 01/13/2025 - 19:01
Window snapping GNOME extension Tiling Shell

RIP Bill Gianopoulos

LWN.net - Pon, 01/13/2025 - 18:59
The blog of the SeaMonkey project, which develops an all-in-one internet application suite based on Mozilla code, has reported the sad news of the sudden passing of Bill Gianopoulos ("WG9s") on January 6 (obituary). He was a core developer and release engineer for the project.

GNOME Shell 48 Alpha Introduces Screen Time / Health Breaks, Mutter 48 Alpha Out Too

Phoronix - Pon, 01/13/2025 - 17:50
The "48.alpha" releases of GNOME Shell and Mutter were tagged on Sunday for this week's release of the GNOME 48 Alpha in leading up to the GNOME 48.0 stable release in mid-March...

DXVK 2.5.3 Brings More Fixes For Direct3D 9 / 10 / 11 On Vulkan

Phoronix - Pon, 01/13/2025 - 16:54
Philip Rebohle working for Valve has just released DXVK 2.5.3 as the newest update to this Direct3D 9 / 10 / 11 implementation over the Vulkan API that is used for enjoying older Windows games on Linux...
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