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Opensource view


Source: http://polishlinux.org/kde/kde4-apps-digikam/

DigiKam is an application to manage your digital photos professionally, with a claim of: “Manage your photographs like a professional, with the power of Open Source”.

Currently the application is in beta5 stage of development, so obviously there are some glitches. For example, the main window doesn’t display the black background in the splash screen yet.

To describe every possible function of DigiKam would take ages, so let’s take on the most important ones. The application can gather the images from a vast variety of devices, such as:
- Digital cameras;
- USB Mass Storage devices;
- Memory card readers;
- Manually adding images.
All devices are detected automatically, but can also be manually configured.

Application’s features include among others :

- finding duplicates;
- slide show;
- full-screen mode;
- renaming;
- synchronizing the albums against a database (not yet working);
- annotation/markers;
- export (doesn’t work yet);
- geo-localization (using Marble) of the place where the picture was taken.

The application features the following configurable options:

- AlbumView - allows configuration of what information about the picture is displayed. Also sets the albums UI up;

- AlbumType - allows configuration of templates that can be used later when adding an album;
- Identity - the picture information;
- Metadata - allows management of the in-picture <!--PROOF: The EXIF data? Replace 'in-picture' with 'EXIF data?'--> information;
- Hints/Tooltips [?] - on the picture or album;
- MIME types - allows to set an external audio or video player to be used;
- RAW Decoder - general settings;
- Kipi plugins management;
- Device management - allows devices to be added manually.

DigiKam can be used not only to manage digital photographs, it’s ShowPhoto module, can be used to add effects to the picture, reduce colour space or set the balance. Some available effects are:

- framing;
- text adding;
- texturing;
- blur [motion blur?];
- rain drops.
- rotation.
- perspective.

As mentioned at the start of this article, Digikam contains much more features than I’ve convered here. I invite everybody interested to ‘play’ install and experiment with this software package. Next weekend, I will try to describe another pair of KDE4 applications.

This article has been originally published on author’s blog:
KDE4 applications : DigiKam.
