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About Linux

Linux ['lɪːnɤks, ˈlɪnʌks, ˈlaɪnʌks]

  • generic term for free (free as in free speech not as in free beer) Unix-like operating systems based on Linux kernel

  • GNU/Linux varieties are called distributions: Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSuSE, ...

    See http://distrowatch.com for more of them.


    • practical for user: no hidden interest,  peer-review, programming is transparent

  • license gives you 4 essential freedomes:
    • The freedom to run the program for any purpose.
    • The freedom to study how the program works and adapt it to your needs.
    • The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
    • The freedom to improve the program and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits.
  • in most cases you are free to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work and to Remix — to adapt the work under the following conditions: Attribution (original author have to be cited), and you have to Share Alike (well this is CreaticeCommons BY-SA-3 Licence mostly used for licencing artwork but it is very similar (and comaptiblea and more understandable) to one that Linux uses - GPL)


    • Why copy software illegally if you can get it fort free?

    • Community: just take a look at Wikipedia success. Wikipeia is licensed under same conditions as Linux

    • Because everyone has free access to source code Linux is developing rapidly and it's translated into many languages (more than 170). So almost everyone can use Linux free of any cost in his own language. In the time of globalisation this is very important! But not only that - in same sense this operating system contributes to social justice and education.


  • On the other hand Linux is technically very advanced and almost all who are relay interested in computing use Linux. But why?

    • It is very secure, stable, fast, you don't need drivers to get your hardware working, you have thousands of free applications, you are always up-to-date, and at last but not at least it's nice & pretty

    • Linux can be used almost everywhere: from simple chip-sets to supercomputers. You can use it without any problems on your desktop computer in office or at home. It simply works out of the box.

    • Like all other things on the Earth it is not perfect. Some mirror problems exist. Not all new hardware works (but it usually gets working in 2-3 weeks) and proprietary applications have bad support. Of course there is compatibility layer called Wine that enables running those applications.


    • First modern operating system was released in 1970

    • Linux was first released 1992 by Linus Torvalds in Helsinki

    • More on Wikipedia

  • I think most of you have never heard of Linux before. But why if it is so good? Answer is: Linux is young and it is getting more and more users. For example in past year the market share rises from 2 to 3% in desktop segment. 300 out of top 500 servers (computer that runs web sites) use Linux, and nine of ten supercomputers (computers for controlling physical experiments, calculating big numbers, for instance the one in LHC) use Linux! It has also gained in popularity in developing and West-European countries. Brazil, India, Cuba, Vietnam, China, France, and Germany have also taken steps in its adoption.

  • www.whylinuxisbetter.net

