Odprtokodni pogled

Opensource view

Welcome to portal with tutorials/manuals how to use open source programs!

Portal odprtakoda.tuxfamily.org consists of tutorials and manuals how to use open source programs.

Portal is based on Drupal, which is powerful tool for creating big websites with multilingual content. At the moment only two languages are available - Slovenian and English.  If you want contribute and translate content in other languages fell free to contact me.

Portal also have Download page. There are links to downloads pages of described opensource programs.

Soon I will release my own distribution called OdprtokodniX. First release of this localized (translated to Slovene) Linux distribution with applications from tuturials on this site based on Debian is expected in August 2008.


Text is licensed with CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported and applications with GPL.
